You're Invited to Engage23!
Parenting teens is tough! So, here at Refinery Church, we thought it would be helpful to offer a one day workshop to help better equip parents for this challenging stage of life. This will also be helpful to parents of elementary aged kids because... before you know it, you'll be in teenage mode as well!
So, what will this look like?
On Saturday, March 18 from 9am- 4pm, we're going to use a recent simulcast (series of videos) by Mark Gregston and Parenting Today's Teens. Mark is the founder of Heartlight, a counselling centre for struggling teens, author of over 10 books, and host of the Parenting Today's Teens radio program. With over 30 years of experience working with parents and teens, Mark brings practical parenting approaches that help bring health to families.
Here are the 5 topics that will be covered:
Empowering Parents through Understanding a Teens Non-Relational World
Equipping Moms and Dads with Practical Approaches that Encourage Relationship
Answers to the Greatest Challenges Facing Parents Today
Engaging Relationally with Understanding, Structure, and a Plan
Hope for Your Family
Of course, between the sessions, we'll provide coffee & snacks and lunch.
Cost: $25/Individual or $40/couple
Location: Refinery Church, 3604 - 76 Ave, Edmonton
This is going to be a great day that we hope will be a key step in changing the direction of your family!
Questions? Please contact Ethan Wood (ethan@refinerychurch.ca), Mark Williams (mark@refinerychurch.ca) or call 780-462-5233.