"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
- 1 Timothy 6:18
Make a Difference as we love our community
This year, Refinery Church is helping to make Christmas a little brighter for 9 Edmonton families by providing gifts for children and their parents. We are also helping Waverley Elementary School by providing mittens and gloves for kindergarten through grade 6 students.
Make checks payable to Refinery Church with "Generosity Project" in the memo line.
Here's how you can show generosity!
1. Give to the Generosity Project
Donations can be made by e-transfer or by check.
Every dollar given will go directly to families and to mittens for the school.
2. Drop off new mittens or gloves at the church.
Please make sure they are child-sized for kindergarten through grade 6!
e-transfer donations can be sent to: give@refinerychurch.ca
Please indicate "Generosity Project" in the memo line.